Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Screen Time.

With school over, the kids tend to want to gravitate to the TV and the Game Cube. In trying to combat their couch potato tendencies, (and mine) I have instituted a plan where they earn screen time by exercising and by making sure their parents exercise. We've been doing this for a couple of days. It's been interesting. I'm amazed at the amount of math they've been doing trying to calculate how much screen time they have left each day. One of the shows they've been watching is 45 minutes long, so that requires a bit more math than just hour long shows, LoL.

We've also continued using the Kid of the Day system. My oldest is kid of the day on Sunday and Wednesday, middle on Tuesday and Saturday and the youngest is kid of the day on Monday and Friday. I have Thursdays. ;-) They have a slightly different schedule at my mom's house because we're there fewer days a week. They other day, my 2 boys got confused on whose day it was and the younger chose the show at first and then my oldest realized it was actually his day to choose. He looked at the youngest accusingly and said "You made me watch Sponge Bob!" How awful!