Monday, May 22, 2006

School's Out?

Today is my day off work. I need this day off desperately. I have so much that I want to do that does not involve medical transcription! Also, I'm not doing school today. It is a teacher planning day. I'm going to decide today what we are going to do this summer. First, I think we are going to take a break. I think we could all use one. Then we will go from there. I do think that the kids, at least the younger ones, will need some school type activities this summer, but we'll see how it goes. I kind of wish that I was the kind of homeschooler who planned everything out and followed the plan, but I'm not. We've recently had about 2-3 weeks of rain, we've had family members in the hospital (including me!), we've had a funeral and a lot of stress. Now the sun is peeking out and we are taking a break. We deserve it and we're taking it. Sometime later this summer, we will get those last 5 days in, if we have to do it 1 hour at a time. Ahh, now that I've decided that, I feel better. Yay, it's summer!"


  1. So sorry you have had such a rough patch. Sending big ole hugs!

    (I didn't make it 'til fall... I needed an outlet.)

  2. School's Out, School's Out, Teacher let the monkeys out!

    Have a great summer! I think a lot of us are ready for breaks. It must be time.
