Thursday, May 11, 2006

The School of Life.

Admittedly, school has been on a back burner around here lately. We have not been doing all that much, just the bare minimum of math, reading, writing and spelling each day and otherwise, we've been doing life school for the afternoons. Yesterday, we completely took the day off so I could have some medical tests done. Everything is okay now, but yesterday was a pretty yucky day.

Today, I hope to make a bit of progress in the Joy/Cheerfulness Unit and we'll probably set the butterflies free. All but one has come out of the chrysalis. It has been very cool to watch. Our other critters from the animal growth unit have not been so lucky. Tiny, the last triops, passed away on Monday. He survived being eaten by Killer, to die a quiet death from unknown causes the following day after the big guy passed. Ironic.

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