Thursday, May 25, 2006

Days Like This.

It all started early this morning with me dropping a bunch of dishes while trying to load the dishwasher and I thought, "If that is how today is going to go, I am going back to bed." I should've listened to myself. Actually, it hasn't been an awful day, just kind of one little thing after the other. I was heating milk in the microwave for hot chocolate and it boiled over. I burned myself getting the pizza out of the oven and then I dropped a knife while unloading the dishwasher for the second time and it stabbed into my foot. I immediately saw a little blood and stepped 2 steps to the left to get a band-aid. I couldn't get the package open at first and then when I looked down at my foot in the middle of trying to get the package open, there was a big pool of blood there. Yikes. The dog was looking kind of alarmed. I yelled for my daughter to come so she could go get her Dad and he could apply pressure to the wound, I mean, it looked pretty bad. My husband came and held pressure on it, then mopped up all the blood (not actually with a mop, with several paper towels) and then we cleaned the wound and looked at it. It's a tiny little thing. You wouldn't think it could bleed like that but it did. It didn't even hurt. I'm going to have to have a tetanus shot tomorrow though. That'll hurt much worse than the actual accident! Ouch!

Maybe I should just stay out of the kitchen. All that cooking and cleaning is just too dangerous!


  1. Bless your heart! I always knew there was something wonky about cooking and cleaning. How was that tetanus shot? Cringe!

  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I agree about the cooking and cleaning being dangerous. Get out of the kitchen! :-)

  3. I have days like that.
