Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Scheduling Revisited.

It seems like I can't come up with a workable schedule, no matter how hard I try. Yesterday, we went back to one that had served us well before, with the kids doing their math and language arts in the morning, while I am doing medical transcription, so that we don't have to do that in the afternoon and school can be done earlier. I hear it takes a while for new homeschoolers to get something worked out that suits everyone in the family reasonably well and we are definitely no exception. I just hope the working out part gets here soon. We have about 40 days of school left to do this year (39 I think, as of today) and this is probably going to be our schedule until then. Youngest son 1 is working in a 2nd grade math book, a handwriting practice book for K-2 and reading, daughter is doing AKVO spelling (or AVKO, whichever it is), reading and 4th grade math (division). Oldest son is doing spectrum 8 writing and lots of math in the Key to ... series, plus tons of reading, which he does on his own. In the afternoons we do the KONOs units which typically have a lot of science, history and social studies, really a bit of everything and are fun and interesting and also spend a bit of time on our Spanish lessons which we haven't done for a couple of weeks. I'm getting kind of ready for summer to be here.


  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    So your saying you don't know how to spell the name of the spelling book? No Muy Bien.

    It's only been Spring for two weeks.

    Congrats on one year of blog. Muy Bien.


  2. We're in our third year of home schooling and we are still ironing this out. *LOL* of course, our needs and the demands on our time are constantly changing. When I hit a point when I am frustrated and everything is out of balance, sometimes we just take a "break" for a week.

  3. I've been homeschooling for seventeen years (oh my, has it really been that long?)and we're still ironing this out. What works best for us is that our schoolyear is the whole year. We don't break in the summer, for a few reasons. First, when we need to take a break, we do, without guilt or panic over whether or not we'll be able to complete everything. Second, we don't have to do weeks of review in the fall just to get back to where we left off at the beginning of summer. And last, I think it reflects what real life is - it goes on in connected circles, one day morphing into the next, one year into the next and so on. I think that the only people that get time off from their jobs are teachers and maybe some seasonal workers (ag), but real life goes on day in and day out. After all, for us, everything is potentially an opportunity to learn.

  4. Scheduling... *Big Sigh*
