Sunday, April 16, 2006

My Latest Project

I think a lot of homeschool moms try different ways to help contribute to the family finances. I'm no exception. I've been playing around with designing things for Cafe Press. Cafe Press is a web site that lets you design items of clothing and household items that are personalized. They don't actually make any of the products until someone buys them, but with their technology, you can take a look at them. I recently bought some baby bibs from them and was impressed with the quality. They were very cute. Anyway, I always have found it difficult to find things for grandparents for mother's and father's day, so I've designed a bunch of stuff that has different grandparent names on it. So, if you call your grandparents any of these names, take a look at my site and maybe you can find their Mother's day or Father's day present on there!

Here are the names I have so far: Memere, Pepere, Poppy, Poppie, Mamie, Mayme, Meema, Meme, Nana, Da, Papa, Glam-ma (for the glamorous grandma), Grandpa, Granddad, Gramps, Baba, Grammy, Bubbe, Nanny, Mamaw, Papaw, PawPaw, Mema, Pop Pop, Bop Bop, Gram, Gigi, Oma, Opa, Grampie, Poppa, Grandmom, Grandmother and Grandfather.

I have plans to add a few more. What do you call your grandparents?


  1. My Mamaw and Papaw are no longer with us... *Sigh*

    Rosie calls my dad Pap. My mom is Mamaw. *Smile*

  2. Bill and I are going to be Mawmaw & Pappy

  3. I do have mawmaw in the store, but not Pappy ... yet. ;-) So exciting getting a first grandbaby! I know that baby is going to be loved so much!
