Monday, April 24, 2006

Different Things.

We've had a different kind of week than usual. My Dad went back into the hospital for a few more days this week. He's better now, and home. Consequently, I spent a lot of time at the hospital and the rest of the time, pretty much, working at my job. I don't get any vacation time or sick leave because I'm an independent contractor. Anyway, the kids got to spend a lot of time with their Dad and I think it was really a good experience for them. They helped him get some things done around the house, he supervised their schoolwork on Thursday and Friday and I think they had a pretty good time together. The two older kids learned how to use the carpet shampooer today, a very valuable lesson, while the younger son and the dog practiced staying out of the way! I guess they learned other things too, things about helping out, working as a team and taking care of people when they are sick.

An update on our various science experiements going around on around the house - - The beans and potatoes are blooming, growing inside, in the kitchen. The triops who numbered 8 on Friday, this morning, numbered 4 and Killer is getting positively chubby. I think he's earning his name. The caterpillars that are going to turn into painted lady butterflies are eating like crazy and had all at least doubled in size, if not tripled. I think it would be fun to get an ant farm. I wonder if I could just catch some of the ones that have been trying to invade my kitchen this week ...

Even though it's been a difficult week, homeschooling is still good.


  1. I'm gonna have to check out the butterflies. Sounds cool.

  2. I ordered them from Insect Lore through It is very fun to watch them change.

  3. I've got some ants you can have too! *Blech*

  4. I'm glad your dad is better and resting at home. I think homeschooling actually makes difficult times less stressful, because you have full control over it.

  5. I think so too Janet. If I had to be getting the kids off to school at 7:00 a.m., it would have just been harder.

    Thanks for the offer on the ants, but I think we have plenty here!
