Thursday, March 09, 2006

Trouble with the Schedule.

I'm trying not to be discouraged by setbacks with the schedule. I didn't sleep well last night, don't feel very good today and we have not even started school. It is 2:00 p.m. I guess we'll be doing night school tonight? As long as it gets done, I guess I shouldn't get too discouraged about what time of day we do it but I like to have my transcription work done before noon and start school right around then too and today, we just haven't done it. The one bright spot is that my older son received his new math curriculum books from the "Key To" series and has done about 6 pages on his own. That's very good for he who used to hate math. I'm going to get back to it and see if I can salvage today and get some educational things done with the younger ones too. We can at least check all 9 of our plant experiments and see how they are going. That's something, right?

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