Monday, March 27, 2006

Spring Break?

My kids found out that the kids at the local public school are on spring break this week and now they are lobbying to have a spring break here. I think that means spring cleaning, don't you? Actually, I seem to recall that we had an extra winter break this year and I don't think we need a spring break right now. I need to count the days we've been in school and see if we have some leeway. We do want a summer break!

I do love the flexibility of homeschooling.


  1. I've heard the same thing here, why do I have to go to school? Well, because you were off both last Monday and Tuesday and countless other days that everyone else was in school.

    I love homeschool too! Spring break when it fits our schedule, not theirs!

    p.s. don't clean too hard - take a break too.

  2. No spring break here. Only 6 more weeks of school to go... *Grin*
