Saturday, March 11, 2006

Math Success.

I went ahead and ordered the Key To Decimals book series for my oldest son. I've been trying different math approaches with him ever since we've been homeschooling and we haven't liked any of them. I finally took the plunge and bought the books I really wanted and it is great. He did 45 pages the first day. 45 pages. He's actually working on math right this minute, when he should be going to sleep. Can you believe that? This is a kid who hated math when he came out of public school a year and a half ago. Woohoo! Success.

*** Let's pretend I didn't say this, in case my saying it would jinx our further math success!

1 comment:

  1. 45 pages!? *Awesome*

    I have trouble getting Rosie to do 1... and just one side of that! *Sigh*
