Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Locks of Love

My daughter decided to get her long hair cut and donate it to Locks of Love
We took her to Great Clips to do this because they do the whole thing for free and give you a good haircut afterwards (totally free!) It ended up that she had so much hair, she was able to donate to 2 children who need wigs because of a medical condition that causes hair loss. Is that cool or what? I'm proud of her.


  1. Cool... definitely cool... *Grin*

  2. That is! You should take a photo and send it to the local people that are making a newsletter. That is news-worthy!

  3. Our family does this as well: we have a lot of fast-growing hair, so we just chop it off every couple of years rather than trimming a bit at a time.
    I didn't know it could be done for free - we might try that. I've always done it at home.
