Friday, March 17, 2006

Field Trip.

It started out as a simple trip to Walmart to get my son boots, and then we decided to take a swing through the greenhouse area to see if they had any venus flytrap plants for sale. My youngest especially is facinated with carnivorous plants. They didn't have any flytraps, but we had a good time looking at all the interesting plants that they did have and we came away with some cacti for 48 cents each and a free cabbage plant that is supposed to grow so huge that you are supposed to leave 4 feet on all sides when you plant it. Walmart is giving these away. They had a lot of kid's gardening products that take all the work out of it for the parents, like little pots with the seeds and dirt already in there, just add water! Lots of fun stuff. It was actually one of our better field trips. ;-) (My apologies to those dear readers who aren't Walmart fans - you know who you are!) This, to me, shows how homeschooling is infiltrating every part of our lives now.


  1. Wow! That's some cabbage plant! Why am I suddenly thinking of Seymour... the carnivorous plant from The Little Shop of Horrors? *Feeeed Meee!*

  2. LoL! If it grows big, I'll take pictures!
