Thursday, February 02, 2006

Unrelated Musings.

I haven't been in the mood to blog this week. I've been here but just haven't been in the mood. I don't know why. We've been using the block schedule all week and it has been going pretty well. With the block schedule, we finally got started on the Spanish we've been meaning to start on since October. Now the 2 younger kids are running around calling everyone in the house senor, senora or senorita, including the dogs and cats.

We have still been studying determination which is a unit that includes a lot of interesting, seemingly unrelated, things. The only thing that they share is the fact that they took determination to accomplish. One of the assignments in our book is that we should do something that will take determination to accomplish. My older son and I discussed that since he makes walking sticks, he should make a really good one, complete with carvings, polyurethane and a leather thong (meaning the leather strap you hang it up by) etc.

My younger son came into the middle of this conversation, only hearing me tell my older son that I could get him a leather thong at Wal-mart and you should have seen his face. It was hilarious. I guess from now on, I'll be calling them a leather strap.

I guess that's all the news from here for today. I noticed that a couple of my earlier posts this week had the day as the title, as in "Monday" and I thought (sarcastically), I bet everyone is thankful for me telling them what day it is--so I won't do that today!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Why am I hearing a new version of "The Thong Song?" *LOL*
