Tuesday, February 07, 2006


My 2 younger kids are doing art studies in symmetry today. What I mean by that is that they are painting on one half of a paper and folding it over to get some really cool symmetrical paintings. Apparently this is endlessly facinating. My daughter did one in dark green and yellow that looked kind of like a head of lettuce. My younger son said "That looks like a mutated lettuce leaf." About one of her other paintings, he pronounced that it looked like a ladybug. She said haughtily, "Some people just don't know art!" Then he joined in the painting process, making his own paintings with an idea of selling them for 25 cents each (maybe grandma will buy one!). He had only 2 completed and my daugher had done 13. He said to her "You have more but I have better!" Never a dull moment here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Another thing you can do is to take a picture from a magazine/catalog and cut it in half. Paste to construction paper and have them draw the other half to match. *Fun*
