Friday, January 20, 2006


My older son's reading really took off a few years ago when he got interested in reading the Harry Potter books. Now he reads really well. My daughter has never wanted to read much but maybe, just maybe, we found something that will help her reading, at the library this week. She is very interested in dogs and cats and this week she picked out 7 or so books on dogs and cats and this afternoon, she read 5 of them. Granted, they aren't large chapter books, but they aren't picture books either. There were quite a few words in all of them. Now, if I can just find the subject that will make my younger son's reading fun for him. Hmmm. Something about Nintendo?


  1. My daughters have read Harry Potter so many times, the books are coming apart. They've moved on to Christopher Paolini books, too, wearing them out. I asked Anna why she read the same books over and over, and she said so she could memorize them and "read" them without the book.

  2. I remember reading The Secret Garden about 12 times when I was about 10-12. I just enjoyed it so much.
