Thursday, January 12, 2006


One of my goals this year was to use notebooking as an educational tool. The idea is that instead of filling in the blanks on a worksheet, you make an informational page for a scrapbook or notebook and therefore learn about the subject. The kids have only been lukewarm on the idea, but I think if they get ahold of it, it will be a good thing. Right now they are just humoring me but below are today's efforts for an olympic games collage notebook page. Both my older son and daughter conveniently 'forgot' that they were supposed to write a brief history of the games to go along with the collage, but I'll go remind them now. ;-) I do think that their photo collage efforts are pretty good, especially my daughter's who used the Olympic motto "Swifter, higher, stronger." to make her page more artistic or dramatic or something. Anyway, it is good.

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