Wednesday, January 25, 2006

March of the Penguins.

We borrowed March of the Penguins on DVD from our local library last night and watched it. I hadn't seen a lot of information about it, and didn't know what to expect, but it was really good; enjoyable and educational. I had no idea that emperor penguin males stand there with the egg on their feet, right through the antarctic winter, and go without eating for 4 months. Wow. Super Dad. It is very cool. The baby penguins are cute. It is done with a sense of humor too. The DVD also had some bonus educational features too.

Night before last, we watched Everest which is really a great thing to show determination, although sometimes I wonder why. That old "because its there" answer just doesn't get it for me. I'm not climbing it. Still it was educational to watch.

Today, we are going to start reading "Alone Across the Ice" One woman's epic journey by dog team.

1 comment:

  1. It's good so far. I'm enjoying reading it.
