Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Homeschooling, Working and Scheduling.

I'm still trying to balance the homeschooling with the working and the housecleaning. It seems like every week, I make up a new schedule detailing how I am going to get everything done and every week, I don't get everything done. Maybe I need to put down the tasks I need to do, along with an estimated time of how long I should spend doing it and then see if it is even possible to get all of that done in a week. I think I spend about 15 minutes a day opening a child proof wrapper on my Prilosec OTC. Last night, I had to get one of the children to open it. Now that's good packaging. But, I digress. I do tell working parents that they can homeschool, because I do, but it will only work if your kids will actually do at least some of the work while the parent is not physically present in the room. My 7-year-old is not too good at this, but we are working on it.

I'm going to work on that schedule again.


  1. I keep telling myself that each year, Maddie will do more and more on her own and it will be easier. Then all of a sudden she'll be off at college and I'll be too busy complaining that she never calls home to get any work done.

    Guess my comment is only to say "I understand" from one working homeschool mom to another.

  2. Thanks. I know what you mean. I should spend more time enjoying the kids as they are, but, of course, I have to worry about their education a bit, right?
