Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Day Two.

Okay, we're getting back into the swing of things. Mom got up on time today and got her work done early, we had the morning assembly and I think we're easing back into the school routine pretty well. We are studying the character trait of determination, as I've mentioned and one of the subunits is the Olympics. We are reading an article I got from this site Olympic Committee and it is very good. The kids are doing notebooking while I'm reading and the older two kids are learning to take notes, an important skill for later. Last night we watched the movie "Miracle" about the 1980 US Olympic Hockey team. I enjoyed it but it didn't completely hold the kid's interest. I need to ask the library to get us a couple of other movies we need. I realize at this rate we'll finish with the Olympics part of this unit before the 2006 Winter Olympics begin, but then we can use the actual games as kind of a review, so that will be cool.


  1. We're studying the Olympics too, but as part of our Ancient Greek studies. Well, we'll get around to it soon.

    Anyway, have you seen the neat ideas for holding your own miniature Olympics at the zoom website? I don't have the exact url, but go to, click on Zoom and it is in the activities section. Thought your kids would get a kick out them.

  2. Ok, here are the links to both the summer and winter versions:

  3. Janet, those games do look like fun, thanks!

    Pearl, I don't think it's helping me with my determination but if you want to come try, come on over!
