Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Meeting.

Yesterday, my younger son decided he was going to call a meeting. He started sending out invitations. My daughter got involved. They started making mailboxes out of paper and making envelopes for the invitations. They worked really hard for about an hour. At one point, my daughter said "What is this meeting going to be about." and my son said "Nothing, I just want to have a meeting." We had to leave shortly thereafter to go to a homeschool co-op activity so we didn't get to actually have the meeting and I can't give a report of how a meeting about 'nothing' went. Although I have been to some of those in the past, when I worked in a state office ....


  1. I think your son is secretly a parent at my children's school! We have meetings to plan meetings! Meetings to talk about the last meeting! Meetings to meet! YIKES!!!!

    I am truly impressed by moms who husband holds that if I were to be homeschooling, our children would: be excellent readers, be well travelled, not be able to do math.

  2. LoL. My younger son is 7, maybe he's just practicing to be a parent at your kid's school?
