Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Another Dramatization

Today, we were studying about the immune system. As part of the KONOS curriculum, we sometimes do dramatizations of the things we are learning. We dramatized the work of the white blood cells today. The kids took turns being the viruses, bacteria and white blood cells. The white blood cells tried to capture the viruses and bacteria by squirting them or engulfing them. It was quite the adventure. Have I mentioned lately how much I like this curriculum?

I would like to note that it is supposed to be for 1-8th grade but my older son doesn't seem to get into it as much as the younger two kids do. I don't know if it is because he is older or because of the kind of learner he is. He enjoys workbooks/worktexts. The younger two kids really love this way of learning and I think it is perfect for them!


  1. How long have you been using this curriculum? Did you oldest son like it when he was younger? I would guess from a surface reading of your post that it is because he is older, but I could be wrong. I think that the more mature student might find sitting and working with texts and workbooks is a more mature way to study, but I could be wrong. I have four sons (the youngest is now 29) and they were all schooled in a very small school and some found it easy to sit and work for hours with text books while the other two, not because of age, but because of personality could not sit still for more than about 15 minutes before they began to act out or daydream or squirm in their seats, LOL.

  2. This is my first year with this curriculum. My older son was in public school through 5th grade. I was lead to KONOS because of my younger son who is a very wiggly boy. He's learning so much!
