Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I Hope This Day is Good.

Does anyone remember the country song from a long, long time ago, "Lord, I hope this day is good."? I'm feeling that way today. I hope my work goes okay and homeschooling goes okay. We need to get some of this stuff about the body covered so we need to have a good KONOS session this afternoon. While I'm working this morning, the kids have a list of about 5-6 things to do and I hope they do them without nagging. I'm probably expecting a miracle here, aren't I?


  1. It did! The day went really well, although after inspecting the muscle fibers in the chicken leg, I don't think the kids will ever eat chicken again.

  2. Oh, I love that Don Williams song! One of my all-time favorite memories is going on a drive as an adult with my mom, dad, sister and her brand new son. It was just our little family again and we were all singing loudly to Don Williams!

    I have that song on my iPod and smile every time it shuffles through!

    Glad you got through it! (pssst...I don't eat "chicken on the bone" for exactly that reason!)
