Monday, October 03, 2005

The Shadow Getter Awayer.

One of our dogs is named Shadow. He's almost a year old, half cocker spaniel and about the size of a cocker spaniel. He's black and hard to see in the dark and that's how he got his name. He is a little hyper dog who loves to jump especially on my youngest son and any kids who come to visit who are about that size. So, my youngest son has a stick that he pushes Shadow away with (no hitting, just pushing) that he calls a Shadow getter awayer.

I was talking about this with my best friend the other day and she said that she had a Shadow getter awayer at her house because her niece had brought one there after visiting us. She said that her cats like to chew on it and keep pulling it out in the middle of the kitchen floor.

This led to a funny discussion by us about how she might trip and fall on it and how in the emergency room, if she mentioned that she fell on a Shadow getter awayer that they might admit her to the psychiatric ward and ask her questions like "does your shadow bother you?" "are you afraid of your shadow?"

Just feeling silly.

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