Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A little learning going on.

We're on fall break this week, officially. However, there has been a little bit of learning going on this week. The kids have been working on building a clubhouse in the woods which is very similar to one of the lessons in the KONOS book about cooperation. They're cooperating while doing it.

Yesterday, my oldest two kids got interested in the timeline and studied the presidents on it for a little while, noticing how long each man served as president.

They all sat down together and my oldest read Runny Babbit by Shel Silverstein to them all. They really had a good time with this one.

We also played a couple of games of "Guess Where?" which is similar to "Guess Who" which is just good brain exercise and fun.

So this is how we're spending our fall break. I really like homeschooling, did I mention that?

1 comment:

  1. checked out your other blog. Found some cool links - thanks
