Wednesday, September 07, 2005

No Reading.

Last night my 2 younger kids got in trouble at bedtime. I kept telling them to finish what they were doing because it was time to read but they didn't. I gave them 3 warnings and finally told them that they had 1 minute or they were going to miss reading. 10 minutes later, they came into my bedroom for reading time, only to be told that we were not having it. They love to read at night and they were very, very upset. My son said "It's her fault!" and my daughter said through her tears "Why can't you just ground us? This is too mean."


  1. LOL! Only homeschoolers would find not being able to read worse punishment than being grounded! We're a funny bunch!!

  2. HA HA HA! Only homeschoolers can use consequences such as "no reading"! Very funny!
