Friday, September 09, 2005

The Centerpiece.

Yesterday the big glass bowl with the crayfish in it was sitting in the middle of the table for part of the day. You could see the crawdads (the local name for them) going around and around in it. The two younger kids refused to go near it. The youngest said "I don't like crawdads as the centerpiece of the table. I like junk to be in the middle of the table." We have a lot of homeschool stuff on our table most of the time, books, papers, pencils, markers, etc. It's nice to know that someone enjoys the junk on the table. Still, I like to clean it off occasionally.

Last evening, we returned the crayfish to their natural habitat, the creek. I hope they weren't injured by the experience of spending a few hours in a human home.


  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I love your kids. I like seafood, but agree that seafood in general is not good for centerpieces. I checked out some of your sponsors pages. Please tell your yougest son to keep riding that bike (the one without the kickstand), but to watch out for creeks and trees, and to use those brakes.
