Thursday, August 25, 2005

Shadow's Scare.

The other day, I took the kids to grandma's and went to the grocery by myself. In the 95 degree plus heat, I decided not to pick them up on the way home, but to bring the groceries home and put them in the freezer and then go get the kids. I'm only a couple of miles from my mom's house and I figured this way, I wouldn't have to rush and I could visit a little with mom and dad. When I got home, alone with the groceries, our dog, Shadow, jumped in the van (as usual) to greet the kids, only they weren't there. He really seemed shocked that the kids wern't in there! He jumped out of the car and ran around it, jumped back in and ran around it, jumped back in and ran around it, a total of 3 times, yip, yip, yipping the whole time. He was hilarious! Finally, I petted him and talked to him and he calmed down. That dog is a character!

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