Friday, August 26, 2005

Please Do Not Disturb!

I've had some trouble getting my work done today. Usually, I get done early in the afternoon and then we can do school stuff together, but today, I ran out of work to do midmorning and that made me late. Then, when I finally had work again, the kids I put the kids to work on the giant map and went into my bedroom to work. There were constant interuptions. First, they lost Iowa. Then, my youngest son needed the light on the range hood turned off (no idea why???) and the math books were lost, etc. I finally made the announcement. "I am going into my room to work for 1 hour. You cannot come in there unless you are bleeding, on fire or have a bone actually sticking out through your skin." My oldest son (the lawyer to be) had to clarify. "What if we are only bleeding a little bit?" I said, "It must be a pumping arterial bleed. Regular bleeding will not work." My younger son's mouth was hanging open in shock. I told him, "I'm just kidding, any bleeding will do." and he said "Whew!"

1 comment:

  1. Only in a homeschool family blog would you see the phrase "they lost Iowa" and have it sound normal! LOL!
