Monday, August 29, 2005

Monday Yet Again.

It seems like every time I turn around it is Monday again. Monday is my day off from my job, so the kids are trying to talk me into letting them have Mondays off from school as well. I'm not sure what to do. Since we started early in July, we can take Mondays off and still have about 90 days done mid December. After that, we can decide if we want to add Mondays in to finish sooner in the summer or not. I do love the flexibility of homeschool. We can also do field trips on Mondays and get in some extra schooling that way. Today, I'm going to try to get a few things done here in the house and some errands done in town. I'm going to try and make Mondays my organizational day. Oh well, back to work on my schedule. I have hopes that I will write down a magic, wonderful, all-inclusive schedule and we will actually follow it. Right. That's going to happen. ;-)

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