Monday, August 22, 2005

Monday Again.

Where did the weekend go? It's time for school again. It is a cloudy day here and for some reason, that puts a damper on my enthusiasm. The kids are doing morning team time right now and I am planning what we will do this afternoon. This week for our KONOS lesson on cooperation, we are going to make a large United States map. It has to be big enough to jump around on because after you get it made, there are all kinds of activities to do with it. I'm not sure if we will use the Mega Maps site (from the post below this one) or if we will draw or paint it on plywood. I'll see what the kids want to do. We don't have a paved driveway and we don't have a basement with a large expanse of floor to draw it in chalk.

My problem with school lately is getting the kids to understand the different methods I want to use. For example, I want to use notebooking for most subjects and have them make notebook pages that go along with what we are studying. My oldest child thinks that he would rather have workbooks because that is what he is used to. I'm trying to convince him to give notebooking a try. It is different from the public school approach and he worries that I am doing school wrong and he won't know anything, I think. I can see his point. One good part about that, is he has started to take some responsibility for his own education. We got several free high school textbooks the other day at the public school book depository and he is studying those on his own, taking notes and generally educating himself. Isn't it interesting how things work out sometimes? I had hoped that he'd throw himself into the KONOS approach and notebooking, really enjoying it but he's really enjoying working through the textbooks. Either way, he's learning and he's having a good time.

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