Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Am I Doing This Right?

I went to a homeschool information meeting last night and though there were various topics discussed, the main theme of the meeting was the question on everyone's mind "Am I doing this right?" There is one mom there who has been doing this homeschooling thing for about 4 years now and she is very confident about it. Moms like her are a definite help to the rest of us, who all seem a bit insecure. Some of us compensate by buying new curriculum every couple of months or at least every year or trying to get the latest planner or other gadget. Some focus on being very, very, very organized. One homeschool email list recently had a discussion about arranging their home libraries with the Dewey Decimal System. Really. They did. (I was not a part of this discussion as my home library is mostly on the floor, in the closets, on the shelves, on the couch ...I can just hear it now, "The Dewey designation for this book is J Wild, so that means it is under the loveseat, filed with the other books by Laura Ingalls Wilder" Lol, but I digress.)

When homeschooling moms get around other homeschooling moms, the floodgates open and we are asking "Do you find this to be true?" and "Does this happen to you?" I should just say here and now for future reference. "Yes I do." and "Yes it does." as in "Yes, the house is more difficult to clean with everyone home." and "Yes, the kids sometimes rebel." "Yes, sometimes it is frustrating." "Yes it is quite wonderful." "Yes, we are going to continue to homeschool."

1 comment:

  1. I love your filing system! We use it too!
