Friday, July 01, 2005

What To Do?

Sometimes I think I get overwhelmed with the possibilities. With homeschooling, they are so endless. I've been struggling with making a schedule all week, planning when to start back to school, whether to just 'plunge in' or start slowly and gradually? I've decided that our schedule is going to change somewhat. I'm going to do most of my medical transcription work in the mornings and assign the kids some work to do in the mornings as well. Then, in the afternoon, we will do some of the KONOS activities and work on notebooking. Notebooking is my new interest and I hope the kids will enjoy it and learn from it. I think I would enjoy it. I may have to do a notebook myself. Hmmm, maybe a scrapbook. :-)

Quote of the day is: "When I grow up, I want to be rich but not famous." (As stated by my youngest son.)

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