Saturday, July 09, 2005


This morning, my 7-year-old and his Dad had a conversation about how the kid is funny, just naturally funny, and his Dad said "You know, if Mommy gets any money for her blog, you should ask for part of it, because most of the stuff she puts on there is funny stuff you have said." I heard this and said "How about 5%?" The kid yells back "50%!" and then starts chanting "50%, 50%, 50%, 50%, 50%!" and I said "no" and he said, "Okay, 2%."

He drives a hard bargain. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Just like a man to even plant such an idea in his child's head, LOL! Seriously, I like the way you bargain with him. And I hope you plan to cover precentages one of these years. :-)
