Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Vacation Top Three.

My oldest son's top 3 things about the vacation were
1. The pool.
2. The children's museum.
3. The park.
My daughter's top 3 were
1. The hotel.
2. The pool.
3. The museum.
My youngest son's top 3 were
1. The pool.
2. The snacks. (We allow a lot more junk food on vacation.)
3. The tub. (We had a big whirlpool tub in the hotel room.)

The youngest 3 children particularly enjoyed locking themselves out of the room for a few seconds, then using the credit card type key to get back in. Amazing how facinating that was. ;-)


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I see the pool wins! :-) Where is YOUR top three list?

  2. I enjoyed the games, the company and the broccoli soup with panera bread. :-)

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    My son also loves letting himself in with the credit card type key. Could amuse himself for hours if we'd let him. LOL!

    Peter Rabbit

  4. Kids are so fun, aren't they?!

  5. My son and neice will argue about taking turns to use the room card and about who is pushing the elevator buttons. They actually figure out who will push for up and who will push for down. Aren't they strange?

  6. If they're strange, then my kids are too, because that is exactly what they did!
