Thursday, June 02, 2005

Funny 6-year-old quotes.

Here are some of our funnies from yesterday.

There was a moth in the bathroom, flying at the light and my youngest son said "I don't like moths in the bathroom, they disturb the privacy." Like he even shuts the door!?

He came running into my room where I was working on the computer and said "Mommy! Do you know what?!" I said "what" and he said "Well . . . There was a ..... Nevermind. I forgot what I was going to say." I thought that was an age-related thing, forgetting what you are going to say. Well, he is almost 7.

Speaking of his birthday, he's counting up how old he is. He has been saying for a long time that he is 6 3/4 and now that his birthday is very soon, he's said yesterday, "I'm six and three-quarters and a dime!"


  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I cannot BELIEVE that our '98 babies are six-and-three-quarters-and-a-dime already!!! Where did the time go? He is a funny one, that one. I think maybe it's a youngest child thing. Or not. All of yours are pretty funny, and mine, too. :-)

  2. How did they get so old and more importantly, how did we get so old!
    Where did the time go?
