Sunday, April 17, 2005

Unit Study.

Well, it is Sunday morning and I don't know what we are going to study next week. To me, that definitely indicates that I need to order a curriculum next year. I'm also going to rearrange my daily plan/schedule so that we aren't doing the same things every day. I think maybe moving each subject to every other day but spending longer on each subject might be the way to go. Sometimes you just need a change.

I talked to another homeschool mom yesterday about how to get the kids to complete their work everyday in a more timely fashion and she said that she doesn't let them leave the school-room area until they are finished with their work. Period. I think that is a good plan. We'll have sceduled breaks but otherwise, stay in the kitchen until we are completely done. I hope it works. (fingers crossed.)

Now I need to get everyone awake and start the laundry show. It is rather boring to me, but the 2 younger kids enjoy watching the washing machine work. Anyone want to come over and see it? The admission price is very reasonable. :-)


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I talked to a 3rd grade teacher a few weeks ago, and she told me they spend a few weeks on social studies, then a few weeks on science, then back to social studies. She said it is just too hard to fit both in every single day, so she does a unit from one, then a unit from the other. I thought that sounded neat.

  2. I think spending more time on each thing and rotating them might work better. I'm going to try it. I'll probably post my new plan on here.
