Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Field Trip/Mom's Meeting.


We are off on a field trip today to a local museum and wildlife center. We are going to get to see a display of birds of prey. Cool, eh?

I had a homeschool mom's meeting last night with the new homeschool group I've joined and we had a good time. For me it is interesting to get to see and hear about the curriculums that others are using. I'm still not sure what direction our curriculum will go next year. So many options. I could enroll the kids in an online complete school course with online teachers doing the grading, a correspondence course, a curriculum package that I would teach from or continue to mix and match following the scope and sequence from the World Book site as I have been doing. I'd put in a link to the world book site, www.worldbook.com if I could figure out how to do it.

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