Tuesday, March 03, 2009

4H, colds and a frog.

We had our second 4H art class today.  It's going pretty well.  My 2 older kids had to miss it because of the bronchitis/colds that they have.  I didn't figure the other moms would be too happy with me for sharing that with their kids.  I took the youngest and he had a pretty good time.  We will have to try and tell the other 2 what we learned so they won't get behind.  I don't have the cold, I'm pretty sure I was getting it, I had a lot of sneezing and snotting last weekend, but I used the 3 or 4 Cold-Eeze Lozenges that were left over from last time and I seem to have headed it off.  Unfortunately, the other people in the family weren't so lucky.  I finally got them some Cold-Eeze today and we'll see if it helps them at this late date. 

We have a frog living in our bathroom now.  I found him the other day, in the house, when the weather went from the 70s to the 30s all in one day.  At first I thought he was a toad because he was all brown, but after a few days of living in our house, he looks more orangy than brown and I think maybe he's a treefrog.  We're just trying to keep him alive until the weather warms up tomorrow and we can put him back out.  We put some cantalope in there with him, in the hopes that it will attract fruit flies for him to eat.   It all kind of makes me wish we could get some butterflies or baby chicks or something to hatch this spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zicam- the one with Q-tip things you out in your nostrils always works way better for me.
Hope everyone is feeling better soon.


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